“Intra-abdominal and musculoskeletal infections are major burdens of disease. We would like to discuss the current evidence on surgical site infections, challenges around typhoid fever as well as issues related to the care of musculoskeletal infections in LMICs.
The Sunday is dedicated to the future of education to facilitate global access to safe, affordable and timely surgery. Particularly initiatives of students and young surgeons, concepts of training locally on the ground but also the needed preparation and skills for surgeons aiming to work in LMICs will be on the agenda.
For more details, check the flyer below:

You will hear and discuss not only the above main topics, but there should be moments to meet people interested in global surgery and opportunities to share experience and think about further projects.
Furthermore you may eat some Marzipan and enjoy the Hanseatic flair of Lübeck and dance with us.
We are very much looking forward to welcome you in Lübeck, Germany, 25-27th October 2019.
Find out more here: www.tropenchirurgie.org
Judith Lindert from the Lübeck Team
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